Tuesday 13 February 2018

A delighted exit from InvestingNote

There will be visitors coming in to find out what had happened over the weekend in the InvestingNote forum. I will just clear the air once and for all and then move on. Hi members, the content of this post is for your entertainment only, not an advise of any kind.

I had decided that I have spent enought time in the forum that I have neglected some of my members. I have not updated the blog for a long time because I need visitors to take notice of my reading on Dow chart posted some weeks ago. The crashed in Dow was expected, I have issued warning here as well as in the InvestingNote forum.

Ok, back to InvestingNote exit, I have also anticipated this exit before my last post went out. I went ahead because I didnt like how members / friends in there were treated and 'blocked' by an so called 'lady guru' because they were associated with ipotrust. There is absolutely no ill intention or trying to create nuisance. If you have not followed, can view the attachment below.

The so called 'lady guru' is none other than LynLyn. Well, because of her high popularity in the forum, she has been going around bullying those who wished to express different views on her stocks. She did that by reporting to InvestingNote that she was being attacked, justify her 'block' exercises, as though she was victimised. In fact, she was the one attacking those who dare to give opposing views, be it right or wrong. Midas, Hi-P, Singtel etc are all her stock calls. Attachment below is my view on Midas as example.

My view on Midas was posted in forum several days before Midas reported fraud and got suspended. Members was also informed not to buy Midas for trade anymore. Lynlyn had consistently given her followers a bullish chart on Midas with a target of 50% upside before the suspension. I believe there are current many IN members who had to bear the losses due to suspension. This was because they had blindly followed her. To make matter worst, she continued her attacks and accusations and InvestingNote did not seemed concern.

I later discovered that there has been an unlawful intention going on in the forum. Lynlyn had posted that she wanted to trade for followers using followers trading accounts. Followers can choose to pay her a token for her service. This is unlawful act according to MAS regulation. I have reported to InvestingNote about this unlawful act but before I knew it, I was forced out of the forum for being a nuisance. Evidences as attached below. Why did InvestingNote allow this to happen? I really do not understand, am I missing something here?

So, thats the whole story. I am glad I have left that forum for good. So, victims of Midas, if you have reasonable basis to believe that your losses was more than face value/ what it appeared to be, it is your rights to report to authority and request for investigation. You have the rights, believe me.

For IN friends who are still around, please hear my last advice. Technicals analysis is what Big Boys want you all to see, because we all see the same charts. Dont fall for the so call TA gurus calls trap especially unknown character like LynLyn. We do not know who she is. Take care and Happy Chinese New Year to all. God blessed!


  1. I was very surprised you were banned from Investing Note, your posts were always reasonable. In fact, it is very possible IN is related to lynlyn, because I don't see how else "she" is getting away with what she is doing.

    1. I also think it is reasonable, where did I ever show sacarsms, how am I a nuisance, claimed by IN. I came back just doing sharings, obey the forum rules. IN claimed that they had issue numerous warning about my bad behaviour, ask them to show evidences of that warnings..
      I was previously gave warning only on soliciting. I came back even rejecting those who wanted to join my group. Do whatever they want.. its thier platform after all. Haha

    2. I agree with you 100%. I know there is more to this than meets the eye

  2. InvestingNote is just like a bull with a Lyn Lyn ring attached to its nose.

  3. Investing Note should just change name to Lyn Lyn Note.

    1. If I have a company, I would not want to advertise on a platform full of clone accounts all linked to 1 user, Lyn Lyn. What a waste of advertising fee lol.

    2. That may be the reason why they allow lyn lyn to rule over IN; they need the traffic for advertising

    3. Guys, I am beginning to suspect something more serious..
      Guts feeling telling me that lynlyn and clan are syndicate at work..
      Meaning these syndicates had infiltrated into online forum..
      Why do you think lynlyn has sudden interest on Midas...
      Look for clues

    4. I have given it some thought and do agree that something is suspicious. First of all, the way lynlyn writes is extremely childish, but yet she is able to analyse and chart stocks to create a following. I believe it is a made up persona even going so far as to send a christmas card from Japan to IN just to prove that she is from there. The IN guys are so naive they bought it. But if you read her posts carefully, she has let slip that she is in Singapore (like mentioning she was at SGH). The only question is motive: is it sinister or just mischief?

    5. Not sinister or mischief, I suspect its stock syndicate at work.
      Retailers no longer interested in S-chips and there has been very low interest in all these junk stocks. Syndicates with funds support need to stir interest to get believers/ followers to buy into these stocks. BB need to dump these junk stock into the market because no point they buy and sell themselves. Yes, I believe syndicates has infiltrated into online forum to create followings,InvestingNote as well as Shareinvestor. No one know who exactly is Lynlyn, her identity is unknown, not even IN guys. I have spoken with IN guys before, they have no ideas who she is.

    6. If IN guys don't know who she is, there must be some other reason why they keep allowing her to post while banning others. Lynlyn was even bragging about her victory on IN

  4. Be careful oh.. she can find my blog and come in and scold everyone who posted negative comments about her here..haha..

  5. It is so obvious something is going on under the table between IN and Lyn...

    1. Hopefully IN did not accept any kind of remuneration from lynlyn
      Lynlyn and clan if found out to be syndicates.. IN will be implicated

  6. The only way to bring that siao jap down is to bring down investing note as well.

    1. Haha..that one quite hard lah,..SPH, Shareinvestor are both shareholders I think

  7. kallangbunny here, suppork u and i quitted IN and join you in kallangriver . I will create a blog call KRTrade.blogspot.sg soon, cya there.

    1. Yeah! Friend reporting here... will do will do... see you there..
      On holiday now.. after CNY, we catch up there.

    2. Eh kallangbunny bro, IN didnt ban you leh.. technically you can still go in and chit chat lah,, no need to quit because of me..really,,
      Go in and spy on thi lynlyn clan.. mission to collect evidence..haha
      Especially those pennies stocks that she stir interests on followers...

    3. Eh, kallangbunny, there's already a blog http://krtrade.blogspot.sg/, got fruit juice, vodka and beer.

      Anw, IPOtrust and Dividend lover getting banned is a loss for IN community. Hope to follow your new postings here!

    4. Haha..yah, saw that blog too.. kallangBunny bro is an Indian haha..
      Oh yah.. I have so many things to write..creative, Dow charts etc.. need to thank KallangBunny bro also..

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