Saturday 3 March 2018

Detective IPOTRUST uncovered syndicates at work in investment forum

Hi all, from this post onwards, I will be writing a lot more about my investigation work on 'Trading syndicates at work in investment forums". So please bear with me if this is not what you are interested to read. I need to do this because I took it as a sign that it is my duty to find out and reveal it to investment community. I will try to explain briefly how trading syndicate group is currently at work in forum space and how they are influencing every retails investors.

Just a bit of background on why I started my investigation. Recently many retail investors / traders have become the victim to Midas share scam and likely to lose tonnes of money. They bought into Midas, a S-chip, only to found out later that Midas had to be suspended because of fraud. So, one would ask why is so special about Midas ? Why bought Midas?

Many investors / traders in Singapore no longer trust S-Chip China firms because of thier bad reputations. Midas share collapsed on one occasion, down from 0.20 to less than 0.10 in less than a week. There was a very popular profile - lynlynnakamori in InvestingNote forum suddenly became very interested in Midas. She has over 2 thousands followers because of her accurate reading of stocks movement based on Technical Analysis or TA. Her sudden interest in Midas was totally unexpected. She would then post price appreciation or rebounds for Midas shares, step by step and eventually gave an upside target of close to 50%. During the period, there were a number of new profiles showed up and started posting many bullish calls Midas, over and over again in InvestingNote. See, all seemed very normal but it was NOT.

Midas share got suspended because of fraud. Lynlynnakamori claimed it was a bad trade, lost some money. One particular profile - Alphie, claimed to have lost a lot of money because he would buy, sell in thousand lots of Midas. He would post of his money lost while others in the forum would sympathise and gave him thier supports. Nothing at all seemed suspicious of any kind.

Because I have reasonable basis to suspect the so called lady 'guru', Alphie and clan are actually syndicates at work. I will describe it in a way that specifically pointing at her, him and thier methods. Below are thier profiles in case you need to know. I would share my findings on these two profiles in subsequent posts.

My observations

1. To cultivate followers / believers

Many bloggers, individuals, professionals such as myself would like to have good number of followers, believers or supporters. Our intentions are quite obvious, we hope to grow clients base, grow supporters and eventually lead to business growth. This is done in a way that all parties will benefit one way or another. We recommend, give advise, clients acted on recommendations, made money and promote our services to more people.

Lady 'guru' intention is not clear. She claimed to be helping everyone by charting for free. Lately, she claimed to be jobless and want to use everyone account to trade. Did you see clones / Clan members in there to encourage retailers to use her so called 'service'? This is illegal. Are you believing in this?

Lady 'guru' has funds backing, I suspected. There are also other funds that would follow her calls and she knew it. She could be working under a 'dark fund' and very closely knitted to financial sector. She has very good knowledge of market information, technical analysis or TA to help her identify what stocks are bullish. Using these elements of TA, funds support, top info and retailers interests, her calls will likely to be correct somewhat. Why so, this is because STI is really very small, very illiquid. This was done in purpose to make you believe or become a believer especially when you made money before. But, it comes with risk.

2. Fighting to fend off opposing views

No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes like myself. Why on earth would I stop anyone from having oppositing views on my stocks in forum? I thought the purpose of joining forum is to share opinions? I felt handcuffed by lady 'guru' so not to offend her on her stocks earlier in my posts. What a joke.
lady 'guru' is infamous for attacking those who shared opposing views on her stock calls. You can see my ealier post on how she did it.

lady 'guru' needed her calls to be right most of the time.
The reasons are:
1) To cultivate followers and believers.
2) less friction for share manipulations
3) To hit target price for her pay master or Big Boy.
4) To stir interests
5) To offload shares to masses. (Example - Midas)

3. Suspicious, fictitious forum character

Lady 'guru' uses a Japanese artist as profile picture in forum, her identity remained unknown. No one knows who she is, not even InvestingNote guys. She always claimed to be just 19 years old, mother singaporean and father is Japanese. Being Japanese, she has poor command of english, jobless and would return to Japan in fear that she would be attacked or kidnapped.

Seriously, do people really believe in these craps. Reading all her posts and tutorials, she writes better than me and could even write good chinese sentences. It is plain obvious from her posts that she is not who she claimed to be. There are actually some who suspected that lady 'guru' is actually a man in disguise. The cover up was planned in a way that no one will be able to track him or her.

Alphie - profile also very fishy. He claimed to have come from very humble background, started investing with tens of thousands but have grown to close to 1 million net worth over 5 to 6 years. Well, all that is still possible, I won't doubt it. The reason why I grew suspicious is when he started to show inconsistency in his posting on tradings and holdings. For example, he never once claimed that he bought Midas using margin. He claimed to have bought / sold, or 'Pick up' Midas shares trading. Lately, his CDP showed that he did not have a single share of Midas and he started to said all transferred to Margin. That was an obvious lies.  I would share more on this character in my later postings.

4. Trading syndicates in action

My observation is that lady 'guru' may not be just an individual but worked together with others in a team. They work for different bosses who would pay them to carry out certain tasks. These tasks include share manipulations, stir market interest and offloading of shares to masses. One very good example is Midas. More will be shared in my postings later.

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