The suspension of Midas news came out on 8th Feb 2018, it was a trigger for me to think deeper and became suspicious that it was after all the work of syndicates. One profile - qwewlim posted in InvestingNote that he was a victim, true or not, nobody knows, but he was rebuted.
The profile - alphie came to my attention. Yes, he is currently the most popular profile in IN and also known as 'Creative' BB. Also, many have already regarded him as the hero that helped them make money with Creative calls.
Why so? He fits the criteria of syndicate by following factors:
1. He claimed to have bought in 4Mil shares of Midas 2 days before the suspension.
2. His is building the persona of a very successful trader at very young age.
3. He abruptly appeared in IN with postings mainly targeted at Midas.
4. His interaction with lynlynnamamori and others.
I looked into details and found that there were also inconsistencies in his replies to fellow IN members before and after the Midas event. I will list them down one by one based on face value. You can verify these evidences in IN and make a good judgement as well.
Observation 1 - Reconciling Midas quantity and Sum.
Midas halted on 8th Feb 2018, two days before, 6th Feb 2018, he claimed to have bought back 2Mil Midas shares for contra trading. He had also 'picked up' 2Mil Midas shares before that.
On 7th Feb 2018, all I read was he continued to whack Midas by buying more. He could have contra off a big quantity on the same day, but it was not told to anyone.
When Midas was halted on 8th Feb 2018,
Alphie's Midas holdings had dropped to just 3 Mil shares. Hence, based on his previous wordings, I concluded that 2Mil of Midas remained picked up, 1 Mil was outstanding.
He could have contra sold 1Mil on 7th Feb 2018, but not told to anyone.
Observation 2 - lies after lies
On 2nd of March 2018, alphie cleverly showcased his CDP statement show on the left below, total networth around $750K. But why no sign of any Midas shares??

Actually, my guess is that alphie intentionally hide line 2 of his CDP statement, showing only 'N/A' on the last column. This is to give others the impression that line 2 is actually Midas holdings. Well, it worked for some. See the responses, members actually believed it.
However, CDP statement arrange share names in alphabetical order, it is definately not Midas. The share which was hidden should be Creative. One member noticed and said Creative at first, he answered 'not Creative'. This was a lie. Then GrandpaLemon blew his cover by telling him this "line 2 should be Creative, if it is Midas, should be row 5".
So where is Midas? Where is that 3Mil Midas shares that he claimed to have bought and got stucked. Someone asked, he just replied transferred to Margin.
To me, that again was obviously a lie. Firstly, in the entire chain of conversation between 5th Feb - 8th Feb 2018, not once he claimed to have bought Midas under margin. He used the word 'Pick up' many many times for 2mil shares and play contra for the balance 2Mil. So, can he really transfer his 3Mils Midas to Margin? Answer is a big No. Bank will not accept suspended shares into margin because suspended shares do not have any value. I have verified that.
Also, to have credit in the margin account, alphie will need to pledge his other shares with the bank. If his CDP is showing $750k worth of holdings, what other shares did he own to pledge with the bank to leverage buying? Alphie trading account must have much bigger assets pledged with the bank for bank to give him huge buying credit limit.
So, with all these lies, I could only speculate that alphie trading account could be funded by 'syndicate money' or the CDP statement above did not belong to him. There could be other reasons as well. In the CDP statement, Starhub cost price was quoted at 1.70. Starhub had never traded at that price since 2005. Well, alphie replied was that it was a married deal price. Again, do think that this is believable? Who will bother to do a married deal to him at such cheap price and why?
If you looked into his CDP, there are five stocks out of nine which are stocks that lynlyn has called for buy. They are Cosco, Jiutian, Sembmarine, Singpost and Singtel. Are these just pure coincidence?
Observation 3 - Midas calls.
Evidences of Midas calls by both lynlynnakamori and alphie. There were many of them, I just put up two. Next, I will share findings on how these two help each other as a team.

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